Friday, July 17, 2015

Courage Award Misplaced?

The Courage Award has been given to very few people.  It obviously requires that a great deal of courage is displayed in order to receive it.  Recently, Jenner was given the award of courage for getting a sex change.  What a great deal of courage it must have taken to spend so much money on one's-self.

Courage is not doing something for yourself, it is doing something right--regardless of consequences.  Getting a sex change is selfish.  It doesn't matter how you try to defend it.  It benefits only one person.  Is that really courageous?  I spend money on myself all the time.  I'm selfish.  Where's my courage award?  Where's my publicity?  Where's my fame?  Where's my money?

Here is true courage.  Look at the following news article:

There are many un-named officers who combated this act of terror on US soil.  I personally give courage awards to all the officers, military members, and their families.  They gave up their time, their talents, and sometimes their lives to protect other people from getting killed.  THAT takes courage.

If we were to follow the current trend of the "Courage Award," then technically we should be bestowing Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez with it.  After all, he selfishly decided that other people don't have the right to live.  He only did what he did out of selfish desires.  Sound familiar?

I'll let you judge... who should have the "Courage Award"?  The people protecting our country and citizens (police force and military alike), a man who decides he wants a different body, or a man who opens fire on innocent American Soldiers and citizens?

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