Saturday, August 8, 2015

Why Donald Trump will be a good President

What?  Why would anyone endorse such a man to be President of the United States of America?!

Well first off, do you understand the structure of our government?  If not, I encourage you to look it up first.   I'm going to give a quick synopsis of how it works:

1. We have something called "Checks and Balances."  This means that theoretically, the president does not have more power than congress, who doesn't have more power than the supreme court, who doesn't have more power than the president, who doesn't have more power than the supreme court... you get the idea.

2. The President is mostly a face.  People forget that.  The real decision makers are the members of the USA.  YOU!  If something is going wrong in the country, the only people to blame are the citizens.  If you oppose something--MAKE IT KNOWN!  E-mail or write your state representatives or senators.  They only make money if they get the job.  They don't get the job if you don't vote for them.  If you don't like what they do, you won't vote for them.  Simple logic

Okay okay, enough of this.  I didn't explain much, but let's get back on topic!

Look at Donald Trump.  He has money.  Look at the government.  It has money to spend (even though we have lots of debt, we still find money to spend)

Think of the nerdy kid you knew at high school.  He or she may have had A+ grades (kind of like the politicians who have a perfect record), but they don't know anything!  They're socially awkward, they don't know what it's like to fail, and they struggle with simple things in life.

Donald Trump has a record!  He has had companies fail AND succeed.  He has made comments that are good AND bad.  He has a good record AND a bad record.  Remember this:  He doesn't have anything on his record that will prevent him from running the country successfully.

Do you really want another socially awkward nerd (cough cough Obama cough cough) to be running the country!  No! You want someone who actually has EXPERIENCE in success AND failures!

So... Remember this when it comes to voting this time around.  VOTE FOR THE PERSON YOU FEEL HAS THE BEST QUALIFICATIONS!  Don' be blinded by media or critics.

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